Planting ahead
As a new homeowner, you face many decisions. They include choosing kitchen cabinetry, selecting European-style shower doors and evaluating whether to carpet the master suite. So you might not have given a lot of thought to the landscape surrounding your emerging dream home.
But the ideal time to start sketching out your yard is right now, while your house in the planning stages.
You have a blank canvas on which to announce sight lines, mark off family recreation areas and come up with curb appeal that makes your house stand out.
It’s also the perfect time to keep everything in proportion. Don’t allow the gardening bug to overpower your house or vice versa.
For starters, look around the lot for a mature tree. If you’re lucky enough to find one, give it a big hug. These things don’t pop up overnight, so you’ll want to make the most of it.
From there, some experts recommend a yard mix of 50 percent evergreens such as trees, shrubs and hedges to have a little color throughout each season. Go to your local horticulture expert and learn about plants and trees native to your area. It will give you a big step up in sustainability.
Also check out points of view. Stand where you expect windows to be installed and look into the yard. What are you going to see as you sit in the breakfast nook sipping your morning tea?
Style is important, too. An English cottage front yard might not sit well with a contemporary ranch. Head to the street to see what gives you the curb appeal you crave.
Once you’ve plotted out the general landscape, including places for the eventual pool or hot tub and plants that make your heart sing, seek out a professional planner to guide you into the perfect placement.
See why the time to start is now?